Monday, February 7, 2011


Welcome back!
My family and I went to the Korean Store and this was my first time here. I was so excited to see how this place was and it did not disappoint.
I only have pictures of the food that my mom bought for me because that's pretty much what I wanted to get there. I love it!

It was my first time trying this and it is so addicting! They're light as a feather, soft and crunchy and it smells so good too! I cannot eat just one. haha...

They're bigger than my face!

This is what I came here for! Loooove!!!!

If you haven't tried this...Oh man! You'll love it! It's soft and buttery tasting. Super yummy!

Never tried this before and I hope it's good!

Now these are awesome! The texture is like a biscuit because it's not crunchy but more like chewy. I can only eat a few of this at a time because it is so rich and a whole box of this is just too much to eat.

This has got be my favorite and what I have been looking for. It is so flakey and crunchy that it melts in your mouth and don't forget the chocolate inside. Oh my god! I really love it!

You have got to try this!

That's it y'all!
I hope you enjoyed my food haul because I did. ^_^
Thank you for stopping by and I hope to see you again here!

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